Henry Schein Outlet Center
Save on all Overstocked, Demo Model or Reconditioned handpiece from the Henry Schein Outlet Center.
Some handpieces come into your repair shop are just not repairable or they are so outdated that repairs are not worth it. Rather then decline the repair, offer your customer a handpiece from the Henry Schein Outlet Center. Plus use coupon code REPAIRHHC23 and take an additional 15% OFF the already discounted outlet pricing on all your handpiece purchases.
The Outlet Centers has 3 categories of product:
Overstocked: Up To 30% Off - New products that are in the manufacturer’s original sealed package
Demo Model: Up To 50% Off - Open-box products that have had no clinical use
Reconditioned: Up To 80% Off - Products in excellent condition, restored to the manufacturer’s specifications
As a Handpiece Headquarters Customer You Save An Extra 15% On:
High Speed Handpieces - Couplers - Electric Handpieces & Systems - Endodontic Products
Hygiene Handpieces - Maintenance - Surgical Handpieces - Handpiece Accessories

Head over to the Henry Schein Outlet today and see what we have discounted. Offer your customer a replacement handpiece thats brand new, overstocked or one that is a demo model or reconditioned. The Outlet Center does not refurbish handpieces from doctors. The inventory is sourced from manufacturers or internally through Henry Schein and feature a full manufacturer warranty. The Henry Schein Outlet Center is only available for customers located in the United States.